Monday, November 20, 2006


Peter James
Ya, I am experiencing a time of nothing right now. I am doing fine for sure, nothing big nothing small. But no real thought or feeling either. I had a time there where my head was full of ideas and notions and plans and excitment as well as less positive things. Now there isn't much of anything. I find that with school as well, I have a couple of projects coming up and I just have no imagiation about them and I can't even get started. Good thing they are group projects and I can rely on others for a bit. Don't worry I always do my part, but I am just going to have to feed off of their ideas this time. This kind of sounds like I am depressed or something but that is not the case at all. I am pretty content with the majority of things in my life at the moment. Less drama then there has been, except for a good dose of "idiot wind"(re bob dylan) I recieved the other weekend, but that is all done and dusted now. I am getting that feeling I get when I want to head out and go somewhere. I don't like to be in one place too long you know. Maybe it is the idea that I won't be able to do that for quite some time besides a short trip this spring. Oh ,well I guess that is the price and sacrifice you pay when you have some goals. School is one for me now and I am commited to it and that means staying here. I think I need to find some outlets and avenues for using my gifts and whatnot. I always tell myself I am too busy, but I am really not.
Anyway, James Bond is really good you should see it. Jon and I went with Mom and Dad the other day, which is always a treat to get Dad out to the movies. He really prefers the small town theaters in England where they have intermissions to serve you tea and such. But he enjoyed this one too. I also had a good moment with my father on Sunday night when I had to inteview him for one of my classes because I had taped over my other interview. I decided to talk to him about the ins and outs and impact being the head of a large family had on his life. It was meant to be a short ten minute interview but turned into a twenty five minute one and could have easily gone longer. I had to show it to the class and cretique my skills. But I was very proud to show them my father and let them hear his answers and different things about our family. So that was nice for me.
Alright that is all for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there Peter. I too have a problem getting my school work done actually...but I think that has something to do with the fact that I'm lazy :) As for Casino Royale...glad to hear it's worth while because I'm planning to go watch it with Josh probably tomorrow or the day after! Sooo excited :) Well, until next time...taker easy :D

5:50 PM  
Blogger reppepper said...

I surfed over from davidanderin the other day and scanned quickly, was a bit puzzled, but last night erin's bro led me to read more carefully. I am stunned (though not anything like you are, I'm sure).

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep the interview - it would probably be good for all of us to hear/see it - was it video or just audio?????
To get back to cross=stitching - the back of thepattern(which is all you can see at the moment) sometimes doesn't make sense...wait for the project to be finished!!!! Need explanation??? Next time we see you -

7:41 AM  
Blogger Candy & Caleb said...

Hey Pete. Just wanted to let you know I've been thinking about you lately and praying for you. You're on my heart. I hope you are doing well.

9:37 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

"Idiot Wind" ... Classic. Painfully appropriate referencing Pete. God may be the Great Healer ... but Dylan doesn't do such a bad job either.
Love ya,

1:09 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

Ps, yeah ... I'd like to see/hear that interview too. I know what you mean about being proud of being able to show your peers who your dad is and what he's like. Very neat.

1:10 PM  

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